This family or clan is from the descendants of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq (r.a.h). The great ancestors of this family migrated from the desert of Arabia to first Ghazni in Iran and then to Lahore and settled there. One of the members of this family, Hakeem Ghulam Jilani, translated the treatises from the famous book of Bu Ali Seena called Qanoon-al-Sheikh [3]. Another member of this family, Hakeem Abdul Qadar became famous not only because of his skills as a physician but also his ingenuity in treating the Rani of Dakkan. He was invited by the Nawab of Dakkan to treat his wife who had a foot problem. His diagnosis was that the Rani requires an incision to treat the problem. The Rani was afraid of the scalpel and would not allow the treatment. Hakeem Sahib devised a plan and created a mound of dust in the form of the foot. He hid the scalpel in the dust exactly where the cut was required and asked the Rani to stand on the medicinal dust to cure her problem. When the Rani of Dakkan did that, the incision was made draining the infection. This event elevated his status as a physician and he earned accolades from the Nawab. He did not stay in Dakkan and returned to Lahore. The family migrated to Delhi during the time when Raja Ranjeet Singh was the ruler of Punjab (1780 – 1839).